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نويسندگان آموزش زبان انگلیسی ELC English Learning Club
AutumnA Fall Songby Ellen Robena Field
2 / 7برچسب:, :: :: نويسنده : S.Alidadi
Falling Asleep in Class
I fell asleep in class today as I was awfully bored I laid my head upon my desk and closed my eyes and snored I woke to find a piece of paper sticking to my face I’d slobbered on my textbooks and my hair was a disgrace My clothes were badly rumpled and my eyes were glazed and red My binder left a three-ring indentation in my head I slept through class, and probably I would have slept some more except my students woke me as they headed out the door by Kenn Nesbitt
20 / 6برچسب:, :: :: نويسنده : S.Alidadi
My Teacher Ate My Homework My teacher ate my homework, He took a little nibble— I think he must have liked it, He licked off all his fingers,
20 / 6برچسب:, :: :: نويسنده : S.Alidadi
How to Torture Your Students
by Jane Pomazal and Bruce Lansky Start each day with a surprise quiz Don’t dismiss the class for recess until you’ve finished the lesson you’re working on At the end of the day, hand out a huge assignment that’s due the next day When a student says, "I have to go to the bathroom," say, "You should have gone this morning before you left home" or "You’ll have to hold it in it’s time for the kindergarten to use the bathrooms Never call on students who have their hands up Only call on students who have no idea what’s going on When a student asks you a question say, "Look up the answer in a book Don’t bother to mention the name of the book in which the answer can be found When you read, go as fast as you can Skip a line or two, then ask questions about the passage to see if the students were listening When it’s time for the students to read, call on someone who doesn’t have a book
When you hand out pencils, make sure they’re dull and don’t have erasers When you hand out books, make sure they’re torn and tattered
a test, write all the information they’ll need to know on the board. Then stand in front of the board so they can’t see what you’ve written. As soon as you’ve finished discussing the test information, turn quickly and erase the board On the last day of school, hand out a surprise final exam Tell your students if they flunk it, they’ll have to attend summer school—and if they flunk summer school, they’ll have to repeat the grade Tell them you hope they all flunk because you like them so much and you wish they could be your students again next year
10 / 6برچسب:, :: :: نويسنده : S.Alidadi
My Teacher Sees Right Through Me I didn’t do my homework. I told him, “My dog ate it.” I told him, “I had chores to do.” My teacher sees right through my fibs, 10 / 6برچسب:, :: :: نويسنده : S.Alidadi
School Rules
Do not oversleep and miss the school bus you'll be late That's a habit teachers generally don't appreciate Never call your teacher a name when she's not near you Teachers' ears are excellent so they can always hear you Do not read a textbook when your hands aren't clean-it's tricky to separate the pages when the pages
get real sticky When you go out for a team it's always wise to practice When you are a substitute the bench can feel like cactus Do not copy homework from a friend who is a dummy If you do, I'm sure that you will get a grade that's crummy And if your report card's bad don't blame it on your buddy Kiss up to your parents quick or they might make you study by Bruce Lansky 20 / 6برچسب:, :: :: نويسنده : S.Alidadi
As I AwakeAll of my senses are met by the morning Darkness is gone, though it seemed it would never; Birds sing their concert and children are playing; There are some times in our lives when we savor 15 / 6برچسب:, :: :: نويسنده : S.Alidadi
Homework, I Love You
Homework, I love you. I think that you’re great.
It’s wonderful fun when you keep me up late. I think you’re the best when I’m totally stressed, preparing and cramming all night for a test Homework, I love you. What more can I say
I love to do hundreds of problems each day
You boggle my mind and you make me go blind
but still I’m ecstatic that you were assigned
Homework, I love you. I tell you, it’s true
There’s nothing more fun or exciting to do
You’re never a chore, for it’s you I adore
I wish that our teacher would hand you out more
Homework, I love you. You thrill me inside.
I’m filled with emotions. I’m fit to be tied. I cannot complain when you frazzle my brain Of course, that’s because I’m completely insane
by Kenn Nesbitt
15 / 6برچسب:, :: :: نويسنده : S.Alidadi
Get Out of Bed! by Diane Z. Shore "Get out of bed, you silly fool! Get up right now, it's time for school If you don't dress without a fuss, I'll throw you naked on the bus "Oh, Mom, don't make me go today. "My body aches, my throat is sore. "Besides, the kids despise me there. "You faked a headache yesterday. 15 / 6برچسب:, :: :: نويسنده : S.Alidadi
Poem About Imam Ali
A brave man was Ali
30 / 5برچسب:, :: :: نويسنده : S.Alidadi
نظم ار چه به مرتبت بلند است آن علم طلب که سودمند است پیغمبر گفت "علم علمان: علم الادیان و علم الابدان " در ناف دو علم بوی طیب است وان هر دو فقیه یا طبیب است می باش طبیب عیسوی هش اما نه طبیب آدمی کش می باش فقیه طاعت اندوز اما نه نفقیه حیلت آموز گر هر دو شوی بلند گردی نزد همه ارجمند گردی
The Advice of Nizami to His Son
Although poetry be of high dignity Seek thou the knowledge of what is useful The Prophet hath said " The science of sciences Is the science of matter and the science of faith Is the navel of each is a fragrant odour In that of the law, and in that of medicine Endeavour to be a physician with life-giving breath of Jesus Not the one that puts people to death Let the law instruct thee in the service of God Let it not be to thee a teacher of sophistries If thou become an adept in both Thou will have reached the summit of excellence And wilt be held in high estimation in the sight of all men 20 / 5برچسب:, :: :: نويسنده : S.Alidadi
Teachers 20 / 5برچسب:, :: :: نويسنده : S.Alidadi
الهی! O' God آفریدی به رایگان You made creation gratis روزی دادی به رایگان You provided subsistence gratis بیامرز به رایگان Have mercy on us gratis تو خدایی نه بازرگان You are God, not a merchant
20 / 5برچسب:, :: :: نويسنده : S.Alidadi
بماند سالها این نظم و ترتیب ز ما هر ذره خاک افتاده جایی غرض نقشی است کز ما باز ماند که هستی را نمی بینم بقایی مگر صاحبدلی روزی به رحمت کند در کار درویشان دعایی
These rhymes shall remain for years While our dust is dispersed in the air These words are but to remind of us For else, no permanence is traced in life Hoping a pure mystic, a man of heart May pray for us, poor souls, as an act of grace
20 / 6برچسب:, :: :: نويسنده : S.Alidadi
Why God Made Teachers By Kevin William Huff
When God created teachers, When God created teachers, Why God created teachers,
20 / 6برچسب:, :: :: نويسنده : S.Alidadi
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